Programmatic Level Educational Objectives
Programmatic level educational objectives for the Baptist Health Science University College of Osteopathic Medicine (BUCOM) fully incorporate the American Osteopathic Association’s seven core competencies for medical education.[1] These objectives serve as the basis for curricular design and evaluation across the continuum of our medical education program. Programmatic objectives apply to both BUCOM students as well as any faculty who educate our students.
BUCOM is committed to delivering evidence-based, patient-centered and holistic medical training that emphasizes osteopathic principles/manipulative treatment, rigorous basic science instruction, and robust clinical exposure. The goal is to train graduates who can successfully enter graduate medical education and then hopefully stay and practice within the Baptist system to care for patients in underserved, under-resourced, or rural communities. The curriculum is further designed around the Baptist mission of healing, preaching, and teaching. Thoughtful communication, patient-centeredness, and service to the community are interwoven throughout our nine curricular competencies. BUCOM learners are taught and assessed based on these core programmatic level educational objectives:
Demonstrate and correctly apply appropriate osteopathic manipulative treatment to patients. Evaluate the medical evidence regarding the use of osteopathic manipulative medicine; Endorse the process of continuous learning and incorporate principles of OMM and osteopathic philosophy into one’s continued professional practice.
Demonstrate and correctly apply knowledge of accepted community and evidence-based standards in clinical medicine; Remain abreast of new scientific developments and incorporate them into practice through conscientious life-long learning.
Demonstrate the ability to effectively treat patients using a biopsychosocial approach that incorporates osteopathic philosophy, patient-centered care, preventive medicine/health promotion, and behavioral health.
Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills to successfully engage and develop professional relationships with patients, families, and colleagues; Work effectively with other health professionals as a member of or leader of a health care team.
Promote advocacy of patient welfare, adhere to ethical principles, responsibly collaborate with other health care providers, endorse continuous learning, and maintain sensitivity to the needs of patients from varied and diverse populations; Maintain awareness of personal physical, mental, and spiritual health to safely serve patients.
Demonstrate facility in applying evidence-based medical principles to practice; describe how to critically evaluate the medical literature and incorporate it into a continuous learning plan.
Demonstrate knowledge of how various health care systems, professional societies, and care delivery systems influence resource utilization and access to care.
Demonstrate an awareness of the scope of culture and the elements that form and define it; Demonstrate familiarity with basic religious and cultural beliefs that impact patients’ understanding of their illness and the efficacy of proposed treatments; Participate in local, regional or international service projects that embrace the threefold mission of Baptist Memorial Health Care: healing, preaching and teaching.
Participate in structured educational programming about health, wellness, physical fitness and nutrition to increase personal wellness and resilience; Participate in educational opportunities to learn holistic approaches to ensure personal wellness; effectively counsel patients and peers about wellness strategies.
[1] American Osteopathic Association. Osteopathic core competencies for medical students. Addressing the AOA seven core competencies and the healthy people curriculum task force’s clinical prevention and population health curriculum framework. AACOM. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/; Accessed August 2022.