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Invest in a future in health care, and apply to Baptist University.

Important Numbers

Admissions  (901) 575-2247  or toll free  866-575-2247

Alumni Office (901) 572-2537

Bookstore (901) 572-2480

BUCOM Admissions (901) 572-2699

Business Office  (901) 572-2442

Campus Ministry  (901) 572-2475

Communications & Marketing (901) 572-2853

Counseling (901) 572-2660 

IT Services Help Desk  (901) 227-7777

Financial Aid & Scholarships (901) 575-2247

Housing (901) 572-2665

Human Resources (901) 572-2593

Library  (901) 572-2677

President’s Office (901) 572-2585

Registrar (901) 572-2489

Section 504/ADA Coordinator (901) 572-2570

Student Life (901) 572-2663

Campus Directory Assistance 
We provide available phone numbers and assistance in finding various campus contacts, departments, facilities, and resources. Please call (901) 572-2468.

Media Inquiries
Kimberly Alexander, (901) 830-6880.
Interview requests and media questions are coordinated by Baptist Corporate Communications Public Relations

Campus Security
Call us for non-emergencies, (901) 572-2777
For emergencies, please call 911

God's Blessings

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13