Veteran Services

Veteran's Services is a liaison in certifying enrollment for veterans, dependents, reservists/guardsmen, and veterans with disabilities for veterans' educational benefits. For assistance, contact the designated School Certifying Official.

School Certifying Official:

Theresy Yosef
[email protected]
(901) 572-2541

Application Process for VA Benefits

To apply for benefits, go to Make a copy of the application before you submit it online.

If you are a transfer student who has already been using your VA Benefits, you will need to complete a VA Request for Change of Program or Place of Training form and turn it into the Registrar's Office.

Documentation Needed to Receive VA Benefits

  • For students using VA benefits for the first time, complete the VA Application for VA Benefits and submit a copy of your online application to your certifying official.
  • For students who have used VA benefits at another institution complete the Request Change of Program or Place of Training form, and submit a copy of your online application to your certifying official.
  • VA copy of your DD214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty)
  • VA copy of your DD2384 (Notice of Basic Eligibility) or other armed forces separation papers

Each Trimester, a VA Enrollment Authorization Form needs to be submitted to the school certifying official.  (please link the attached document)

The above documents should be turned in to  the School Certifying Official listed above  prior to the start of your first term of attendance.  Other documents may be required after processing the documents mentioned.

If you have experienced a progression interruption due to Military Service, please read our Progression Interruption and Readmission Process Due to Military Service policy.Switch to plain text editorSwitch to plain text editor