Explanation of Fees

Baptist Health Sciences University reserves the right to make changes in costs at the beginning of any trimester by publication of the new rates for tuition, fees, and room rent three months in advance of the effective date. Changes in other fees, charges, or policies may be made by an announcement one month in advance of the effective date of the change.  All fees are non-refundable unless specified.  For actual costs, you may login to your MyCampus account after you have registered for courses or view the Tuition and Fee Expense Schedule.    


Application Fee

Fee for undergraduate and graduate students which must be submitted with each first-time admissions or readmissions application. 


Challenge Exam Fee

Fee for students that wish to earn course credit by successfully passing a competency based exam.  Only applicable for certain courses. 


Course Assessment Fee

Fee to provide additional learning resources needed for students to be successful in registered course(s). 



Fee for students who have direct patient contact to complete Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training and certification prior to beginning clinical experiences.


Credit for Prior Learning Exam Fee

Fee of 25% of the current per credit hour rate for students that wish to earn course credit by successfully passing a comprehensive exam.  Only applicable for certain courses. 


Credit for Prior Learning Workshop Fee

Fee for approved students to participate in a workshop that will provide the knowledge and competencies necessary to develop a portfolio for review by the specific course faculty.  Only applicable for certain courses


Credit for Prior Learning Reassessment Fee

Fee for a second submission of a student’s portfolio after the first unsuccessful attempt.  Only applicable for certain courses.


Credit for Prior Learning Transcript

Transcription fee to record credit for students who successfully pass the credit for prior learning comprehensive exam or successfully submit a portfolio for applicable courses. Only applicable for certain courses


Enrollment Deposit

Deposit for applicable programs. The deposit is applied to students first term of enrollment. 


Enrollment Fee

Fee paid when new students register for orientation. 


Graduation Fee

Fee to offset the cost of graduation processing, diploma, and ceremonies. Fee is applied to the student account during registration for expected term of graduation.


Health Services Fee

Fee to cover the cost for students to have access to a variety of clinic services and to have health records maintained and tracked.  


Recording Fee

Transcription fee to record credit for students who successfully pass challenge exams for applicable courses. 


Replacement Fee (ID Badge or Parking Decal)

Fee to replace identification badge or parking decal.  Original badges and decals are provided at no cost. 


Laboratory Fee

Fee used to offset the cost of administering all lab courses within a division including, but not limited to, supplies, instruments, faculty and lab supervisor needs, and costs associated with infection control practices, as applicable.     


Late Payment Plan Installment Fee

Fee assessed if the minimum installment payment amount of a payment plan is not received by established deadlines. 


Late Registration and Payment Fee

Fee assessed if minimum payment amount of total tuition and fee balance is not received by or if initial registration for a term occurs after the established fee payment deadline. 


Parking Fee

Fee for access to and up keep of campus parking lots. 


Parking Violation

Fee assessed for vehicles that are in violation of parking regulations or policies.


Pre-Clinical Drug Testing Fee

Fee assessed for drug screening the term before each student can participate in various clinical learning experiences. 


Printing Fee

Fee to purchase additional sheets of paper after students use the allocation of printing paper provided each Fall term at no cost. 


Professional Liability Insurance Fee

Fee assessed each term for professional liability insurance for students participating in various clinical learning experiences.


Repeat ATI Fee

Fee assessed for students who need to repeat Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) test(s).  


Registration Change Fee

Fee assessed per course for adding or dropping courses after the last day to add or drop online each term. 


Returned Check Fee

Fee assessed to student accounts for each returned check or electronic check to offset any administrative costs or bank charges incurred by the University. 


Student Activity Fee

Fee per credit hour to support and create programming opportunities for enrichment and personal growth through student organization, social, professional, counseling, and spiritual activities. 


Technology Fee

Fee per credit hour to support and improve the overall technology infrastructure of the University, including, but not limited to, learning platforms, online testing, and technical resources and services that aid in student learning and success. 


Transcript Fee

Fee to offset the cost of producing and maintaining transcripts and associated software. 


Housing Fee

Fee per term to live on campus and offset the cost of maintaining and updating residence halls.


Food Services Fee

Fee per term to provide on campus residents access to meal options. 


Housing Application Fee

Fee that must be submitted with each application for students requesting on campus housing. 


Housing Deposit

Refundable deposit submitted with each housing contract held to cover any damage costs incurred while students live in residence halls. 




God's Blessings

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Ephesians 4:2