
Professional Tutors are available for individual and group tutoring, both in-person and via Zoom, in the Blue Healer Student Success Center for the following courses: Anatomy & Physiology I/II, Pathophysiology, College Algebra, Microbiology, Chemistry for Healthcare Professions, and Writing Courses. Nursing courses: Adult I/II, Foundational Concepts, Maternal Newborn, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology. 

Students can schedule sessions via Penji, by downloading the Penji app to their mobile device or by visiting web.penjiapp.com.



All BHSU students receive 300 free minutes per trimester for 24/7 tutoring resources for over 100 different subject areas. The Tutor.com link is available through Canvas.  


God's Blessings

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

Colossians 3:23