Baptist University invites all prospective students and their families to visit the campus, and labs, and learn more about Baptist University. For other options to visit Baptist U, please email or call your admissions officer, or email or call the admissions office:  [email protected]; 901.572.2521.

Click on the date below to register for an information session, known as a connection session. Sessions are for all prospective students to learn about admissions requirements, basic financial aid, scholarships, and academic programs.

Preview Days

Preview Days are a great way to check out everything that's happening at Baptist University. Previously named open houses, preview day introduces you to the culture of Baptist and all the majors we offer.  

Campus Tours

The Baptist U Admissions Team will be offering on campus Information Sessions every Tuesday at 10 am. Our Admissions Officers will give an in-person presentation of BHSU and provide an overview of our degree programs, career paths, labs and technology. This is a great opportunity for you to meet with admissions staff and learn more about admissions requirements, basic financial aid scholarships, and the options available to students at our University. Click on the button below to select your date to save your spot!


DNP Informational Sessions

Baptist Health Sciences University will host several virtual informational sessions for the The Doctor of Nursing Practice program this fall. The DNP program has 2 concentrations: Adult-Gero Acute Care NP, and Adult-Gero Primary Care NP. There are also two pathways: Post BSN to DNP, and Post MSN to DNP (to obtain a second NP credential). For more information, please visit

  • Students in Sonography lab scanning a model
    Students in Sonography lab scanning a model
  • Faculty training students on clinical equipment
    Faculty training students on clinical equipment
  • Students using the VERT in radiation therapy
    Students using the VERT in radiation therapy
  • Students in Respiratory Care
    Students in Respiratory Care