Annual Security Report

Baptist Health Sciences University maintains a Clery crime log, updated within two business days of the Security Department receiving a crime report. In compliance with the Clery Act, Baptist University does not include crimes that occur outside of Clery geography or patrol jurisdiction.  Upon request the crime log, consisting of the last 60 days, may be viewed during normal business hours (8 am – 5 pm.)  Request to view time periods older than 60 days will be honored within 48 hours of the request.  The crime log may be viewed in the Baptist University Security Department located in the Annex on the main campus. Security may be reached at (901) 572-2468 or (901) 572-2777.  A paper copy of the Annual Security Report may also be requested from the Security Department.

Please take a moment to review the annual safety reports. 

God's Blessings

 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
  And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
  and to walk humbly[a] with your God

Micah 6:8