Cost of Attendance

The financial aid office establishes estimated cost of attendance budgets for attending Baptist Health Sciences University each year. These cost of attendance budgets are used to determine a student's financial need and financial aid eligibility for all the various types of financial aid programs, as well as provide students and their families with an estimate of the TOTAL cost of attending Baptist University over the course of a 12-month period. The total of all financial assistance cannot exceed a student’s cost of attendance budget.

Additional information may be found by reviewing the information below, on the Financial Aid Net Price Cost Calculator in the left margin, or by going to: Understanding College Costs

Estimated Cost of Attendance Budgets

Tuition & Fees 
The tuition and fees amounts in the Cost of Attendance budgets are based on 12 hours per trimester and are used in determining financial aid eligibility. You can calculate your ACTUAL tuition and fees costs utilizing the complete Fee and Expense Sheet provided by the business office. 

Room & Board
Room and board expenses vary for on- and off-campus students, as well as for students who reside at home with their parents.

Books & Supplies
Books and supplies are estimates of what a student might spend on materials for their courses. The books and supplies allowance is based on full-time enrollment. ACTUAL book and supply costs can be calculated by visiting our on-campus bookstore or by discussing student specific needs with your advisor or major department. 

Other Expenses
Living expenses vary greatly based on individual student’s lifestyles. Other expenses include transportation, and miscellaneous and personal expenses not covered by on-campus housing, recreation, and other miscellaneous costs.

God's Blessings

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

Proverbs 16:3