Quick Facts


  • Students are admitted into the Public Health Program upon selection of the major during the admission process.
  • The curriculum consists of 120 credit hours.
  • Students will work with their advisor to select electives in areas of:
    • Community health
    • Health administration
    • Health informatics
    • Pre-health professions
  • A capstone experience is a requirement (and is included in the 120 credit hours)
  • Students can choose to follow a 4-year, completion, or accelerated 3-year curriculum plan to complete the 120-credit hour program


Graduates will be prepared for graduate school and for jobs in a variety of settings, including health departments, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, hospitals, medical practices, private businesses, and colleges/universities.

They will serve in fields such as:

  • Health promotion and education
  • Community health worker
  • Community advocacy and outreach
  • Public health informatics
  • Population health administration
  • Epidemiology

Graduates often choose to pursue graduate level degrees in the following areas: Public Health; law, business, or psychology; clinical health professions such as medicine, pharmacy, physician assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, mental health counseling and graduate entry nursing programs.

God's Blessings

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Ephesians 4:2