Credit by Portfolio

Students may earn course credit by submitting a portfolio which demonstrates through narratives and artifacts a student’s knowledge, competencies, and skills related to specific course learning outcomes.


Portfolio Submission Process

The Baptist University Catalog will list the courses for which credit for prior learning (CPL) may be obtained by way of a portfolio submission.


Students who are interested in obtaining CPL by way of a portfolio submission must first meet with the CPL Screener (and specific course faculty, if applicable) to complete a “Competencies Assessment Review”. During this meeting, the student’s knowledge, competencies, skills and/or prior learning experiences which fulfill the specific course learning outcomes and requirements as defined in the syllabus for the course selected will be identified.


Based on the outcome of the Competencies Assessment Review, if the student does not have sufficient knowledge, competencies, skills and/or prior learning experiences to fulfill the specific learning outcomes and requirements, the student will be required to enroll in the course and successfully complete all course requirements in order to receive credit for that course. The student will be notified of this decision in writing; he or she cannot appeal the decision.


If however, the student has the sufficient knowledge, competencies, skills and/or prior learning experiences to fulfill the specific learning outcomes and requirements, the student will be granted permission to register for the CPL Portfolio Development Workshop.


The Portfolio Development Workshop will be 7 weeks in length, in a blended format, and will not be credit bearing. A workshop fee will assessed as published in the College Catalog.


The Workshop will provide the student with the knowledge and competencies necessary to develop a portfolio for review by the specific course faculty.


The Workshop facilitator will meet periodically face-to-face with the student at predetermined intervals during the length of the workshop to check the status of the portfolio, and to provide feedback and suggestions. 


Once the student has completed the Workshop, if he/she has not yet completed the portfolio, additional time can be taken to complete it, with guidance from the workshop facilitator, as needed.


If the student wants to know whether or not he/she will receive credit for a particular course, the student must be prepared to submit their completed portfolio at least two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the next trimester, to allow adequate time for the appropriate course faculty to evaluate the portfolio.


If the course faculty determines that the portfolio adequately meets the assessment criteria based upon the course learning outcomes, the student will be awarded credit for the course.  Students will be required to pay a credit hour fee for transcribing of the student record to reflect the awarding of the course credit by CPL.  All fees are published in the College Catalog.


If however, the course faculty determines that the portfolio submitted has not adequately met the course learning outcomes and requirements, credit will not be awarded. 


If a student is not satisfied with a decision that credit not be granted, the final grade appeal process as outlined in the Baptist University Student Handbook will apply.


Students who desire to resubmit their portfolio may be allowed to resubmit only once.  A re-assessment fee will be charged. If the portfolio is not approved a second time, the student will not be able to appeal this decision. However, the student may choose to enroll in the course to earn the desired credit.


Fees associated with Portfolio Submission

Portfolio Workshop $275
Credit Transcription Fee $25 per credit hour
2nd Portfolio Submission Fee $50

All fees are non-refundable

God's Blessings

Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 22:37-38