NDT Bachelor's Degree

The Baptist University bachelor's degree in Neurodiagnostic Technology is an online degree program that is perfect for both the full-time student and the working technologist who would like to advance their career with additional skills. The bachelor's degree provides foundational courses in physics, statistics, pathophysiology, and advanced neuroanatomy. It incorporates new technologies such as magnetoencephalography (MEG) and autonomic testing. It includes courses in long-term monitoring, neuroimaging, an introduction to neuropsychology and a capstone project focused on the special interest of the student. 

Block credit is given for the following credentials.

Students applying who have a current R. EEG T. will receive block credit for:

  • NDT 101 Introduction to Neurodiagnostics
  • NDT 201 Patient Prep and Instrumentation w/Lab
  • NDT 202 Application of Neuroscience Concepts
  • NDT 203 Normal Developmental, Pediatric and Adult EEG
  • NDT 204 Seizures and Neurological Disorders
  • NDT 290 Clinical Practicum I
  • NDT 291 Clinical Practicum II


Students applying who have a current R. EP T. will receive block credit for:

NDT 205 Basic EP and Neuromonitoring w/Lab


Students applying who have a current R. NCST or CNCT will receive block credit for:

NDT 206 Nerve Conduction Studies


Students applying who have a current CLTM will receive block credit for:

NDT 302 Long-term Monitoring and Continuous EEG

NDT 403 LTM in Epilepsy Surgery


Students applying who have a current CMEG will receive block credit for:

NDT 401 Introduction to Magnetoencephalography


Students applying who have a current CAP will receive block credit for:

NDT 402 Autonomic Disorders and Testing

God's Blessings

For the Lords gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding

Proverbs 2:6