Research - Teamwork
Measurement Tool
- The Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric (ICAR)-Team Functioning Rubric is used to measure effective interprofessional team dynamics and values as members of the healthcare team.
- The ICAR-Team Functioning Rubric is a direct assessment tool used in general education courses and program-level courses.
- The detailed descriptors of the ICAR-Team Functioning Rubric is used to assess the student’s ability to improve collaboration and contribute effectively to a team. The level of attainment for each indicator is measured as minimal, developing, competent, and mastery.
- The rubric is used to assess each student at multiple points in the course. Each course learning activity will include a minimum of two activities for assessment, with the first activity serving as the benchmark from which subsequent activity assessments are compared. Gains in student learning are evaluated.
Data Analysis
- Data collection began in fall 2015. The chart indicates 90% (19 of 21) of course sections indicated an increase in communication skills.
- The courses utilizing the tool included Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology I, Pathophysiology, Introduction to Medical Sociology, Principles of Health Care Management, Oncology Patient Care, Nursing Adult Health Concepts I and II, Nursing Capstone, Professional Nursing Role/Quality Care and Patient Safety, and Respiratory Care Clinical Practicum.