Core Courses

The purpose of the General Education Core of Baptist Health Sciences University is to create a common curriculum that supports the mission of the University and educates well-rounded students capable of intellectual discourse. The courses that meet these criteria are selected by the faculty of the University.

General Education Core Courses (31 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (18 hours)

  English Composition I – ENG 101 3
  English Composition II – ENG 102 3
  Literature – ENG 201, 202, 203, or 204 3
  Philosophy 1,2 - PHI 201, 202, or 301 3
  Religion – REL 201, 210, 220, 301, or 302 3
  Speech/Communication – COM 211 or COM 220 3

Social/Behavior Sciences (6 hours)

  General Psychology – PSY 201 3
  Medical Sociology1 - SOC 201 3

Natural Sciences/Mathematics (7 hours)

  Natural Sciences1- BIO 110, 201, CHE 115 or PHY 205 4
  College Algebra- MAT 110 or MAT 240 3
  1. Completion programs, which often accept a majority of the general education course work as transfer credit, may substitute with other courses from within that particular principal area of knowledge (Humanities/Fine Arts, Social/Behavior Sciences, or Natural Sciences/Mathematics).
  2. Associate degree programs do not require the philosophy elective; total GE Core – 28 credit hours

Baptist University Required Courses  (4 hours)

HSC 104 Baptist University Experience/HSC 105 Baptist University Online/Completion Experience (1 hour) and HSC 301 U.S. Health Care Systems and the Health Economy (3 hours) are required by all associate and baccalaureate programs.

God's Blessings

 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
  And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
  and to walk humbly[a] with your God

Micah 6:8