
Preparing Students for Health Care Professions

The general education and health studies curriculum includes the core curriculum and additional foundational courses required for specific majors.. Although specialized, Baptist Health Sciences University believes all baccalaureate health sciences students need a base of liberal arts and science courses to prepare them for taking an active part of the world in which they live. General education and health studies courses provide students with exposure to a broad range of ideas and experiences not normally found in clinically related courses. By applying themselves in these general studies courses, students enhance their abilities to communicate, engage collaboratively with cultural competence, and effectively reason and analyze complex issues.  As students engage the literary, religious, philosophical and social thoughts that have shaped their world, they grow in appreciation both of its diversity and of those who have contributed to it.

General Education Course Offerings and Number of Credit Hours

ACC 101 Principles of Accounting (3)
BUS 101 Introduction to Business (3)
ECO 205 Health Economics (3)

BIO 110 General Biology I (4)
BIO 120 General Biology II (4)
BIO 150 Foundations in Anatomy and Physiology (4)

BIO 201 Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
BIO 202 Anatomy and Physiology II (4)
BIO 205 Microbiology (4)
BIO 301 Pathophysiology (3)BIO 320 Cross Sectional Anatomy (2)


CHE 115 General Chemistry I (4)
CHE 125 General Chemistry II (4)


COM 211 Speech Fundamentals (3)
COM 220 Intercultural Communication (3)

ENG 101 English Composition I (3)
ENG 102 English Composition II (3)
ENG 103 Writing for the Health Care Profession (1)
ENG 104 Medical Writing (1)
ENG 201 Perspectives in World Literature (3)
ENG 202 Perspectives in American Literature (3)
ENG 203 Literature and Medicine (3)
ENG 204 Contemporary American Literature: Cultural Diversity (3)
ENG 301 Narrative Medicine (3)

HIS 101 World Civilization (3)
HIS 102 American History (3)
HIS 401 History of Medicine (3)

Health Care Systems:
HSC 210 Career Planning in Health Sciences (1)
HSC 300 Multicultural Perspectives in Health and Healthcare (3)
HSC 301 U.S. Health Care Systems (3)
HSC 310 Adverse Childhood Expereinces Across the Life Course (3)

Health Education:
HPE 101 Health and Wellness (1)

University Life Experience:
HSC 104 Baptist University Experience (1)
HSC 105 Baptist University Experience Online/Completion (1)
HSC 315 Breasts Objects or Biology (3)
HSC 320 Research for Health Professionals (3)
HSC 360 Interdisciplinary Seminar (1)

MAT 110 College Algebra (3)
MAT 211 Statistics (3)
MAT 240 Elements of Calculus (3)

NUT 101 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3)

PHI 201 Classical Issues in Philosophy (3)
PHI 202 Critical Thinking (3)
PHI 301 Biomedical Ethics and Values (3)

PHY 200 Physics I (4)
PHY 205 Physics II (4)


PSY 201 General Psychology (3)
PSY 301 Human Growth and Development (3)
PSY 311 Marriage and Family (3)
PSY 320 Psychopathology (3)
PSY 330 Health Psychology (3)

REL 201 World Religions (3)
REL 210 Old Testament Survey (3)
REL 220 New Testament Survey (3)
REL 301 Literature of the Bible (3)
REL 302 Spiritual Aspects of Care (3)

SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOC 201 Medical Sociology (3)
SOC 202 Sociology of Aging (3)

SPA 201 Spanish I (3)
SPA 202 Spanish II (3)
SPA 210 Spanish for Healthcare (3)

God's Blessings

 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
  And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
  and to walk humbly[a] with your God

Micah 6:8