Program Progression

Progression Into The Nursing Program

Minimum Criteria

The following criteria must be met to progress in the nursing curriculum, effective for students progressing to Nursing Fall 2024:

A minimum grade of “C" is required for all courses in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree plan.

A minimum of 30 pre-requisite credit hours must be completed, and a program GPA of 2.7 in those courses is required to progress to NSG courses. Students who have completed the 30 pre-requisite credit hours, plus additional credit hours included in the nursing degree plan, must continue to achieve a cumulative 2.7/4.0 program GPA to progress to the nursing curriculum. All students progressing to nursing must achieve a minimum 2.7/4.0 BHSU career grand GPA. Grade point averages (GPAs) are not rounded.

Pre-requisite Courses to progress to NSG courses:

  • Baptist University Experience (1 hour)
  • College Algebra or Elements of Calculus (3 hours)
  • English Composition I & II (6 hours)
  • General Psychology (3 hours)
  • Religion Elective (3 hours)
  • Nutrition (3 hours)
  • Human Growth and Development (3 hours)
  • A&P I and II (8 hours)

​Total: 30 hours

  • Aside from the 30 pre-requisite hours to progress to nursing, students may complete other GEHS courses in advance. The sample plan outlines course alignment that must be completed with or in advance of the designated trimester nursing courses.
  • ENG 103 Writing for the Health Care Profession must be taken with NSG 311 unless previously completed.
  • BIO 205 Microbiology and CHE 120/120L (910/910L) Chemistry for Health Professions is required with NSG 311 unless previously completed.
  • BIO 301 Pathophysiology must be taken at Baptist Health Sciences University.
  • BIO 301 Pathophysiology is required with NSG 317, unless previously completed.
  • SPE 211/COM 220 Speech Fundamentals/Intercultural Communication is required with NSG 318 unless previously completed.
  • SOC 201 Medical Sociology is required with NSG 400 unless previously completed
  • The following courses can be taken before or after students have progressed to NSG coursework.
    • ENG/PHI elective (3 hours)
    • ​HSC 301 U.S. Healthcare Systems (3 hours)

*Science courses must have been completed within five (5) years of the date of entrance to the University. If additional time lapses between the time the credit was earned and the start of NSG courses, the student may be asked to repeat the course to validate currency of knowledge.

Students progressing to nursing courses must acknowledge receipt of the Technical Standards for Nursing found in the annually published Nursing Program Student Handbook.

Students who are transferring from any other accredited nursing program must submit a letter of good standing from the dean/director of the previous nursing program and a college transcript verifying passing grades of a "C" or better in the nursing courses. Before transfer credit is considered, a course syllabus must be provided for review by the academic dean.


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For the Lords gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding

Proverbs 2:6