Baptist Hosts Job Fair for Students on Campus

Student at Baptist Employment Services Table

Baptist hosted a job fair for Baptist Health Sciences University students on Monday, November 5th. Representatives from several entities, including Baptist University, Baptist Medical Group, Baptist Collierville, Baptist Crittenden, Baptist DeSoto, Baptist Restorative Care and Baptist Women’s Hospital kept the hallways of the Campus Hub Atrium alive with student conversations on job opportunities now and when they graduate.


Each Baptist entity is invited to participate in the student hiring events, which will be held twice a year. BHSU Vice President of Administrative Services, Adonna Caldwell, and Relationship Marketing Coordinator, Zac Cox, met with the Baptist representatives in attendance to discuss how to improve the fair moving forward. The new on-campus Baptist Career Center came up in the conversation as a resource for representatives to come back to use for further discussion and interviews of the students met during the fair.   

Employment Services is using many tools to recruit new team members for Baptist, including social media campaigns, Google ads, Intelligent Messaging, text engagement, HireVue digital interview platform, direct mail, job fairs, direct outreach by Engagement Specialists, and networking events hosted by the Memphis Chamber of Commerce. Recruiters also conduct class visits at area colleges and universities.

God's Blessings

Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 22:37-38