Baptist University’s New Faculty of Practice Program Combines Academia and Practice

Faculty of Practice group composite

Baptist Health Sciences University (BHSU) recently implemented a Faculty of Practice program, which brings Baptist practitioners into the classroom. The program began as a pilot in 2022 and currently has six members appointed in Health Administration.

BHSU has a long history of utilizing practicing health professionals in the classroom as temporary adjunct faculty members. The Faculty of Practice program grants practitioners a faculty rank and title, which recognizes their invaluable service and expertise. It also integrates practitioners as permanent members of the academic area to which they’re appointed and grants them opportunities to serve on committees and receive recognition.

“We are marrying the world of academia with the world of practice to benefit both students and practitioners,” said Dr. Briana Jegier, associate professor and program chair of Health Administration and Public Health. “This is one of those connections that really is invaluable because you have administrators who have practical knowledge and experience teaching evaluation and strategy, bringing the real world to the classroom.”

The Faculty of Practice program currently includes:

Assistant Professor of Practice in Health Administration

Parker Harris, course co-lead for Strategic Management and Leadership, contributing lecturer for Professionalism and Senior Seminar. Harris is CEO and administrator of Baptist Tipton and Baptist Cancer Center infusion centers.

Jared Moses, course co-lead for Strategic Management and Leadership. Moses is administrative director of operations at Baptist Memphis.


Lia Lansky, course lead for Healthcare Communications, course co-lead for Professionalism. Lansky is the system director of wellbeing at Baptist Memorial Health Care.


Associate Professor of Practice in Health Administration

Michael Bunyard, course lead for Introduction to Business, Health Economics and Organizational Behavior; in course lead rotation for Introduction to U.S. Healthcare Systems, Introduction to Healthcare Administration

Dr. William Tuttle, course lead for Healthcare Operations; in course lead rotation for Introduction to U.S. Healthcare Systems and in course co-lead rotation for Strategic Management and Leadership

Dr. Vernita Thornton, course lead for Health Administration Information Systems and all of the health informatics and analytics courses; course co-lead for Business Methods for Healthcare Management; in course lead rotation for Capstone. Dr. Thornton is the director of data reporting analytics at Baptist Memorial Health Care.

Dr. Thornton said that the program gives those who are working in the field the additional opportunity to stay sharp and in front of the bubble as new technologies become available. She also recognized that the program benefits students and the Baptist organization. “We’re training students on a new data product that Baptist recently implemented. They will have that knowledge prior to graduating, whereas we (professionals) had to learn it on the job.”

Practitioners also have the opportunity to shape and reinforce learning objectives. “I learn from those on the front lines what the critical competencies or skills are that students must have so I can adjust the curriculum accordingly,” said Dr. Jegier. “This makes us nimbler and more responsive to industry needs.”

Baptist team members interested in learning about the Faculty of Practice program or pursuing a faculty appointment may contact Dr. Jegier at [email protected].

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For the Lords gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding

Proverbs 2:6