BUCOM Makes Second Appearance at OMED 2024

BUCOM Recruitment Fair

Baptist Health Sciences University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine (BUCOM) makes its second appearance at Osteopathic Medical Education Conference (OMED) in San Antonio, Texas. OMED is the largest annual conference of thousands of attendees including osteopathic physicians, medical students and other health care providers hosted by the American Osteopathic Association.

This year, BUCOM was represented by a team of faculty and staff members who actively participated in a variety of conference activities. Each BUCOM member took turns staffing the university’s booth in the Exhibit Hall, using this opportunity to elevate BUCOM’s presence within the osteopathic community and build relationships.

Dr. Regina Fleming, Assistant Dean of OPP and Director of the ONM Residency Program, attended educational meetings that focused on advancing osteopathic medical education and hands-on training.

Dr. John Biery, Chair and Associate Professor of OPP and Program Director of the ONM Residency at BUCOM, presented at the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians’ "Next Level OMT for Headaches" session. Dr. Biery also participated in the A.T. Still Fit for Life Fun Run, alongside his wife. The event, organized by the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA), raised funds for Student Advocates Association (SAA) chapters at osteopathic schools.

“The exhibit hall was another opportunity to make new friends and renew old ones,” said Dr. Biery. “Overall, OMED 24 was an excellent conference and provided some really great information that I can apply in my practice and in teaching the students.” 

In addition to attending educational sessions, the BUCOM team was active in the many networking events, including the opening reception, committee meetings, keynote presentations, and the American Osteopathic Foundation Honors Gala, as a bronze sponsor. 

OMED 2024 was a success for BUCOM, and we are already looking forward to next year’s conference in 2025!

BUCOM booth  Dr. Bell and Dr. Riley at the gala

Dr. Elly Riley and Dr. Amanda Robinson with a speaker  Dr. Bell at the BUCOM informational

Dr. Biery at the fun run Dr. Fleming at OMED 


God's Blessings

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11