Celebrating Our Environmental Services Team: EVS Appreciation Week

Four of our EVS team members

This week at Baptist Health Sciences University (BHSU), we proudly shine a spotlight on our Environmental Services (EVS) team. During EVS Appreciation Week, we recognize the dedication, expertise, and attention to detail that our EVS team brings to every corner of our campus each day.

The EVS team is responsible for more than just cleanliness—they help shape the atmosphere of our university. From classrooms and labs to common areas and offices, their work ensures that BHSU is not only spotless but also a place where students, faculty, staff, and visitors feel safe and valued. 

But their work goes beyond aesthetics. The relationships they build with our campus community are just as important as the spaces they maintain. One of our long-serving team members, Celia Benton, has worked at Baptist for over 20 years, with the last two years at the university. Her approach to her work embodies the spirit of service that makes our EVS team exceptional.

"I love people," Celia shares. "Building relationships with people by talking with them is something I enjoy doing while working here. I love being a team player and helping out wherever I can. Doing things like getting the residence halls ready for new students and making sure that everything is done in a timely manner. I treat BHSU as if it were my home."

Celia’s personal touch is echoed by every member of our EVS team. They are not only responsible for maintaining the physical spaces on campus, but they also contribute to the heart of the university, making everyone feel at home.

EVS Team taking a photo with tshirts

As we celebrate EVS Appreciation Week, we encourage everyone to take a moment to thank a member of our EVS team. We are grateful for the pride and care they put into everything they do.

God's Blessings

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Ephesians 4:2