Faculty & Staff Kick off the Academic Year

At the beginning of each academic year, BHSU has a few faculty and staff kick off traditions before we welcome students on campus.
The annual Prayer Breakfast was hosted by the Office of Faith & Service on Monday, August 28th. Karen Smith, director of faith and service and chaplain, unveiled the University verse of the year. "Show me Your paths and teach me to follow; Guide me by Your truth and instruct me. You keep me safe, and I always trust You." Psalm 25:4-5.
On Tuesday, August 29th we held the annual University Gathering to kick off the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
The theme this year was Memphis is our Campus. Each division was encouraged to dress as something that represented Memphis culture, and they did not disappoint. The crowd voted on the best dressed and awarded the 2023 Spirit Stick to Student Life - The Peabody Hotel Duckmaster and his ducks.