A Healthier Tomorrow

Peter Bell Photo

Dr. Peter Bell reminds us of the importance of staying healthy. Whether you’re a DO student sprinting through the marathon of medical school or one of the faculty and staff supporting the journey, we all play a crucial role in keeping our community thriving. Getting your flu shot is a simple yet powerful way to protect yourself and those around you. Together, we can go the distance—healthy and strong!

A Healthier Tomorrow

Vice Provost and Dean of BUCOM, Dr. Peter Bell, emphasizes the importance of protecting your health. Stay ahead of the season—schedule your flu shot today and help keep our community healthy!

God's Blessings

 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
  And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
  and to walk humbly[a] with your God

Micah 6:8