What's Happening with BHSU HealthCORE

Baptist HealthCare is a comprehensive community program that is delivered by Baptist Health Sciences University in partnership with Baptist Memorial Health Care. The program includes single day events for aspiring STEM and Health professionals, youth summer camps, mentoring, tutoring, shadowing opportunities, and other support for students and adults in the Mid-South.
SHE Leads the Way October 23rd 6 pm
Baptist Health Sciences University will be hosting a SHE Leads the Way community event on October 23. Baptist’s SHE (Science, Health, Empowerment) Leads the Way is designed to introduce middle school, high school and college-aged young women to the world of science and health care through empowerment. Participants in the program will have the opportunity to meet leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and gain practical assistance in expanding their education and reaching their goals through monthly sessions with Baptist Health Sciences University. The event will be held October 23rd at 6 pm on the Baptist Health Sciences University Campus. Erica Plybeah, CEO and Founder of MedHaul, will be the Keynote Speaker.
TN Health Careers Summit and Expo November 9th 9 am
The 2nd Annual TN Summit and Expo will be held on the BHSU campus on November 9th at 9 am. Schools, students, parents, and health professionals are invited to attend. Vendor and sponsors are needed. To become a vendor or sponsor, please email [email protected].
To register yourself or a group, click the REGISTER button.
One on one tutoring is available for High School students interested in pursuing a health profession. Tutoring is provided virtually by BHSU honors students. For more information, email [email protected]
Hands-on Laboratory Experiences
Every school year, BaptistU HealthCORE offers half and full day hands on laboratory experiences for middle and high school students. Teachers and schools can schedule a date for their class by emailing [email protected].
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